Testing is done either live, with you in-person, or remotely, if you decide to ship your fabrics to us. After you make a payment (below), please contact us to set an appointment at our West Hills, CA location. Specific location address will be provided. If you are shipping garments to us, our please see details of what is required.
We Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Carte Blanche, Diners Club, En Route, JCB, and PayPal.
NOTE: All payments will be processed through the Sound Feelings shopping cart. You will see “SOUND FEELINGS” on your credit card or PayPal statement.
If you are unable to pay online with a credit card, debit card or PayPal, please see our alternative payment options.
If you have a custom amount you need to pay you can do that here.
Up to 10 Tests
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Up to 25 Tests
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Up to 50 Tests
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What if I Want to Purchase the Fabritell Unit for my own Use?
The Fabritell manufacturer is located in the UK. We have made an arrangement with the manufacturer as an authorized reseller to offer a 5% discount if you wish to purchase through our company. (USA CUSTOMERS ONLY)
Current Price for Fabritell Desktop Professional
£80 for shipping to USA
Total: £3,511.00
Which is approx $4,709 USD
Final total with your 5%: $4,473 (savings of $236)
If this interests you, please contact us. Your new unit will be shipped directly to you. Production is done as purchased so there is a 3-month waiting period for delivery.